
José António dos Santos – Managing Director

José António has a Degree in Civil Engineering by Universidade Paulista (UNIP) in 1982. In over 30 years of professional experience in consultancy and property valuations José António has held several management positions in international consultancy and audit firms. His professional path has been focused in valuations of tangible assets (land, buildings, machinery and equipment and others), intangible assets (brands, know-how, technology, etc.) and economic and financial valuations for purposes of privatization operations, acquisition/sale of companies/businesses, joint-ventures, accounting, tax planning, feasibility studies, etc.

Jose António has also teaching experience, having been a professor of Investment Projects Analysis in post graduation studies at Universidade Metodista.

Since July 2010, he is responsible for property valuations developed by Prime Yield in Brazil.

Prime Yield. We Value your Future. RICS