About Prime Yield

Prime Yield – Consultoria e Avaliação Patrimonial Ltda. is an independent established firm with registered international brand. The company has a comprehensive expertise in feasibility studies, consultancy and asset valuations, creating value in supporting their client’s decision making.

Prime Yield offers delivers services both to institutional and private clients, issuing reports based in multidisciplinary premises and procedures, provided by a multi task technical team, which includes architects, economists, engineers and property managers.

With a coverage focused in Portuguese-Speaking markets, Prime Yield has offices in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Portugal.


Intelligence Services for those who want to achieve excellence.


Estimate the value of assets in an objective way and in the legal frame, building trust between the company and the client, based in independence and competence.


Commitment to the client


Prime Yield – Consultoria e Avaliação Patrimonial Ltda. is a company registered in CREA – Conselho Regional de Engenharia, Arquitetura e Agronomia under the nr 0826831.

Prime Yield is a company regulated by RICS (The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), a status granted in 16 November 2010, with registration nr 1261540, this being a certificate that assures the compliance with the best international standards. Despite service level and format being standardized for each country, all companies integrating Prime Yield Group share a common denominator, namely the compliance of RICS standards.

Prime Yield. We Value your Future. RICS